Join us! There are so many ways to be part of the AAC family.We are a part of the family of Christ, seeking God's best. With Christ-like acceptance we look to build joyful, authentic friendships. Working as a team we serve passionately to demonstrate God's love to the local community and to the world. Being led by they Holy Spirit, we are focused on cultivating personal relationships with God for people of all ages. Pursuing Christ Jesus, we are anchored in sound biblical teaching, prayer, the use of spiritual gifts and relevant worship.
FAQsWho is this for?
This weekend is for couples and singles ages 18 and up. Will there be child care?
We love your kiddos and we know you love them too but in order to keep your weekend free of distractions and as a courtesy to others, we encourage you to find a babysitter for the weekend. Child care will not be available. Do I have to attend all the sessions?
In order to get the most out of the weekend, we suggest all sessions be attended.
What is included in the registration?
Registration includes access to all sessions, 1 book 'Becoming Compatible' & 2 unique codes to complete an assessment. (snacks & drinks provided) |
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 | 12-2 PMInternational Workers, Ed and Sandy Zogg are visiting from the Dominican Republic. Join us after the worship service to learn about their ministry and new child sponsorship program to support the children's centers. Lunch is provided by Alliance Women.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 | 12-2 PMJoin us for Soup & Chill-i
Everyone 55+ in invited to join in the Fellowship Hall for lunch, fellowship and games. If you're able, please bring soup, bread or crackers to share. Sign up and let us know you are coming! |
FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 2Teen Chill is an awesome weekend of fun and fellowship. With plenty of fun winter activities, times of worship and challenging messages, this is a must for your youth each winter.
$125/camper. $95/chaperone. $50 deposit, pre-pay remainder online. |
SUNDAY, MARCH 2 | 12:30-2:30 PMThe Alliance Women team look's forward to blessing the Pregnancy Care Center of Cayuga County through this Baby Shower. We invite all women, teens & girls to join us and encourage you to bring a gift to bless our local PCC so they can continue to bless the young families in our community.
Items Needed: Diapers (sizes newborn to size 6 and pull-ups) we especially need larger sizes Wipes (sensitive skin) Formula (unexpired formula and baby food) New baby bottles and smaller baby items Pack n plays and crib sheets Baby clothes - NB to 5T (new and gently used) Gift cards (Walmart, Visa, etc.) High chairs, strollers, and baby equipment Car seats - must be new |
SATURDAY, MAY 17 | 12-4 PMHelp ensure Recovery Fest remains a free event, accessible to all, including those who need it most.
Come and enjoy Chicken BBQ, Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Face Painting and Music! Presale Tickets $15: Ticket Includes - Chicken, Salt Potatoes, Baked Beans, Roll, Bottle of Water or Can of Soda and Cookie Get your Chicken BBQ Ticket at the Auburn Alliance Church Office during office hours M-F or at the Welcome Booth on Sunday Morning *Ticket Sales End May 2nd (Meals can be purchased for $20 day of event while supplies last) |
SATURDAY, JUNE 14 | 2-9 PMThe Cayuga County Recovery Fest is a music festival designed to support our community members who are affected by substance abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, and mental health struggles.
Throughout the year we will be hosting fundraisers to ensure Recovery Fest remains a free event, accessible to all, including those who need it most. |
WEDS | 7-8:30 PMAll young adults (18-30's) are invited to join us for fellowship and bible study. Let us know you are coming. Contact Jena or Tim Vargason
MEAL TRAINBe a part of the Meal Train Team and show our church family love by helping them in their time of need.
THURSDAYS | 1:30-3:30 PMHelp and encouragement after the death of a loved one
At GriefShare group, you'll find understanding guidance, relief, and a safe place to navigate the challenges of grief. Come join us! A 13 week program |
FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH | 6:30-8 PMCreate Blessings is a ministry of the Auburn Alliance Women. Do you enjoy making cards, scrapbooking or journaling? Set aside time each month to come and be creative in community with other women, We look forward to getting together with you!